Letting go,

Letting go of you.

You, my little one,

You, my blood and sweat,

You, my sunshine.

7 years already!

The cord is cut, you breathe alone.

Love can grow into more

Love will bloom further,

To finish you and complete me.

This motherly love comes from the chore:

It’s natural,

It’s organic,

It’s mineral,

It’s simply magical!

You are me,

You were me

And now you breathe alone,

Out of me, but in the world

You blend in, you belong here.

I have no choice but letting go,

Letting go of you.

Nature opens its arms for you to cuddle up,

Nature attracts you in its womb and nurtures you,

Nature can give and take…

Embrace it all my love, crawl, stand, walk, run…

And let go.

Let go and be free

Be free and love

Freedom is my ultimate gift.

Letting go, Letting go.